Counter Installation Help for MSN Spaces.

To add a counter to as separate unit on your space, skip a few paragraphs ahead. To add a counter to a blog entry, continue here. In a web browser window, first login to your MSN Spaces account. Add a new blog entry by clicking the Add entry link (or edit an existing entry) where you want to add the counter. Enter a Title for the entry, and you can optionally select a Category.

Click the <HTML> link to switch to the HTML mode. If there’s any extraneous HTML code in the window, delete it. Paste the counter code we provided into the window. If you want to preview the counter, click the <HTML> link again to switch back to the regular editing mode. You should see the counter and sponsor link.

Finish entering any other text you want to include with the entry, and then click the Publish Entry button.

The above text explains how to add our free web counter to an MSN Spaces blog entry. The problem is that blog entries scroll away as new entries are made, and most people want a permanent hit counter on their home page. Fortunately, there is now a way to add our counter to an independent module on MSN Spaces by using the following instructions.

First you need to add a Custom HTML module to your space:

  1. Log into Passport and Edit your Space.
  2. In the Address bar of your web browser add the text "&powertoy=sandbox" to the end of the displayed URL.
  3. Click the Go button next to your web browser address bar.
  4. Once the page has finished reloading, click on the Customize tab in your Space.
  5. In the Modules drop down menu in the Customize tab there should be a listing for PowerToy: Custom HTML. Click the word Add next to it and then click the Save button.

Once you have added the Custom HTML box to your space, you can add the counter by pasting the counter code into the window of the Custom HTML box. (Depending on the sponsor link, your code may exceed the character limit. If so, just add the counter part of the code to the Custom HTML box and add the sponsor links to a list.) Clear the check box if you don’t want a border around the counter module. Then click the Save button. Complete the process by dragging the Custom HTML box to position it where you want on your space.

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